The Office of Research works with the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) Program to provide training for the campus community on compliance requirements in animal research, human subjects research, and responsible conduct of research.
Accessing CITI
Expand the relevant sections to see detailed instructions on accessing CITI.
UC Santa Cruz investigators (anyone with a CruzID Gold login)
UC Santa Cruz new learners – create a CITI Program learner account
If you have never logged into CITI Program before:
- Log in to the CITI Program using your CruzID and Gold password.
- Select “I don’t have a CITI Program account and I need to create one.”
- Select “Create a New CITI Program Account”.
UC Santa Cruz current learners – affiliate your existing CITI Program learner account with UC Santa Cruz
1. Associate your CruzID with your existing CITI Program learner account
If you have logged into CITI Program before but not using your CruzID and Gold password:
- Log in to the CITI Program using your CruzID and Gold password.
- Select “I already have a CITI Program account.”
- Enter your CITI username and password.
- Select “Log In”.
2. Verify your Institutional Email Address
In order for your CITI records to display in Cayuse, your institutional email address in CITI needs to be your CruzID@ucsc.edu address.
If you have a UC Santa Cruz email alias, do not use it in this field.
To verify and update your “institutional email address” in CITI:
- Once you are logged in to CITI, in the top right corner of the browser window use the dropdown arrow next to your name and choose “Profiles.”
- Scroll down to the Institutional Profiles section and select the “Edit Profile” button next to “University of California, Santa Cruz.”
- Confirm that “Institutional email address” has your CruzID@ucsc.edu email address. NOTE: Your CruzID is the login name you use to log into your campus email account.
- If “institutional email address” has something else (e.g., an email alias or an @soe.ucsc.edu address) change it to your CruzID@ucsc.edu email and also update the Verify Institutional Email Address field.
- Scroll down and select “Update.”
External investigators (anyone who does not have a CruzID Gold login)
External new learners – create a CITI Program learner account
If you have never logged into CITI Program before:
- Go to CITI Program and select “Register.”
- Under Select Your Organization Affiliation enter “Santa Cruz” and select “University of California, Santa Cruz.” (Do not select the “SSO” option.)
- Select “Create a New CITI Program Account.” (Do not select the “SSO” option.)
- Select the checkboxes to agree to the terms of service and affirm that you are a UC Santa Cruz affiliate.
- Select “Continue To Create Your CITI Program Username/Password.”
- Enter the requested information.
- NOTE: For “Institutional email address” enter the email address you use in your CITI profile; a UC Santa Cruz email address is not required. If you have a UC Santa Cruz email address, follow the instructions for UC Santa Cruz investigators.
External current learners – affiliate your existing CITI Program learner account with UC Santa Cruz
If you have a CITI Program learner account with your institution:
- Log into CITI using your institution’s credentials.
- Click on your name in the upper right-hand corner and select “Profiles” in the drop down.
- Select “Add an Affiliation.”
- Enter “University of California, Santa Cruz.”
- Select the checkboxes to agree to the terms of service and affirm affiliation with the University of California, Santa Cruz.
- For “institutional email address” enter the email address you use in your CITI profile; a UC Santa Cruz email address is not required. If you have a UC Santa Cruz email address, follow the instructions for “UC Santa Cruz investigators” above, selecting the UC Santa Cruz current learners option.
CITI training requirements
Animal research (IACUC) training