Our Services

The Research Development (RD) team is here to support your proposal from an idea to a successfully funded research project. Be sure to contact us early in the proposal process to make the most of these resources. Our team can help with pre-proposal strategy development and proposal development.

Pre-proposal strategy development

Communicating with funding agencies

While program officers must remain impartial, they can provide feedback on your project aims and alignment with a specific funding opportunity. Even a brief phone conversation with a program officer can provide useful insights.

Over time, it can also be beneficial to establishing a trusted relationship with agency program officers relevant to your research area.

Other opportunities to engage with funders include responding to agency requests for information (RFI) and/or serving on a proposal review panel.

Facilitate team-building

Funders are interested in collaborative, interdisciplinary research. RD can identify gaps in your research team and connect you to potential partners, on and off campus.  

RD has launched ACoRN (Activating Collaborative Research Networks) to connect faculty with one another. From grabbing coffee with a colleague in another department to hosting larger meet and greet events, ACoRN provides incentives and suite of options to get you connected.  

If you’re interested in ACoRN, complete this questionnaire to get started.

Making a plan for success

The RD team is here to help you envision the potential trajectory of your research.

This can include development of a five to ten year funding plan that aligns with your goals and identification of funding opportunities, including evaluation of proposal competitiveness for a given opportunity. See more about funding opportunities.

We can also provide guidance on grant writing success strategies.

Proposal development

Alignment with funding opportunity

Once a researcher contacts their RD specialist, we can help evaluate project readiness and fit for a specific research opportunity.

The RD team also partners with UCSC Foundation Relations on limited submission proposals and in cases where the university may have ongoing relationships with a foundation program officer.

Developing competitive proposals

The RD team can help develop and review project scope and design, outline resource needs, and identify competitive gaps.

When given sufficient notification, the RD team will establish internal proposal submission timelines to allow for RD review and feedback.

In cases where the RD team is notified late in the submission process, we will do our best to review a proposal for clarity and typos.

Crossing the finish line–final submission

In the final weeks leading up to a proposal submission, the RD team will help researchers focus on meeting internal deadlines and ensuring a compliant proposal.

The Proposal Administration team is responsible for working with a researcher to develop their budget and collect all proposal documents.

The Office of Sponsored Projects is responsible for the final compliance review and has the delegated authority to submit proposals.

Last modified: Aug 19, 2024