What to Consider Before Completing an IACUC Application

Fill out an UCSC IACUC protocol application form if you are a UCSC affiliate (members of the UCSC faculty or academic research staff) and you plan to teach a class or conduct research, testing, or experimentation that will involve animal use, which is defined as any of the following:

  • Contact with living animals*
  • The use of animal material or samples, such as blood, scat, etc.
  • Observing animals in the field
  • Altering animal environments

Also, the IACUC encourages anyone working with cephalopods to also fill out the form or include in a form.

Personnel on proposed IACUC protocols and amendments must complete the following two requirements: the online CITI training and the Occupational Health Surveillance System (OHSS) assessment/clearance. Please complete these requirements before submitting proposed protocol or amendment.

Please do not begin activities until you have received final IACUC approval for your proposed protocol or amendment.

New UCSC affiliates: If you haven't submitted a protocol application before and you'd like to walk through the process, please contact the IACUC office at (831) 459-3150 or iacuc@ucsc.edu.

*references: https://ori.hhs.gov/content/Chapter-4-The-Welfare-of-Laboratory-Animals-Definitionshttps://www.aaalac.org/accreditation-program/rules-of-accreditation/; https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-15-139.html

What if my research will take place at another institution?

Regardless of where your research will take place, if you are a UCSC affiliate and you plan to conduct research that involves animal use, then you almost always need to fill out and submit a UCSC IACUC protocol application form. If you are unsure whether you need approval, please contact the UCSC IACUC prior to initiating animal research at another institution.

Learn about choosing a protocol application form and what happens when you submit a form.