What kind of training is required by the IACUC?

Online CITI training may be required for all University of California personnel listed on a UC Santa Cruz Institutional Animal Care and Use (UCSC IACUC) protocol application before the UCSC IACUC will grant approval.

Access CITI Program online to complete the online training.

All personnel named on a tissue sample or an observational (no contact) UCSC IACUC protocol must complete the modules in the "Group A: For Non-Contact Research Only." Personnel named on a full use biomedical (with contact) UCSC IACUC protocol must complete "Group B: Biomedical Course for Vivarium Users." Personnel named on wildlife or field (non-biomedical/) protocols with animal contact must complete “Group C: Non-Biomedical Research. The IACUC strongly suggests that personnel also complete “Wildlife Research” or the supplementary course (e.g., amphibians, birds, etc.) most aligned with their research subjects.

All personnel named as performing surgery in an UCSC IACUC protocol must complete/pass all of the modules of "Aseptic Surgery," "Post-Procedure Care of Mice and Rats in Research: Minimizing Pain and Distress," and if applicable "Working with Mice in Research" and/or "Working with Rats in Research."

On a case by case basis, other courses may be required by the IACUC.

How do I get an IACUC verification letter?

If you need a letter verifying UCSC IACUC approval sent to a funding agency, please email the following information to iacuc@ucsc.edu.

  • PI/Co-res names and phone numbers

  • UCSC IACUC office code and protocol title

  • Grant title, if different from the above

  • The UCSC Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP) Cayuse # of the grant (available from your OSP analyst)

  • If you would like to have the verification letter submitted via email, please include the address of the funding agency, including a contact name.​

Please be aware that all conditions of approval must be met before a letter can be written.

What happens after I submit my research protocol?

Check your email on a regular basis, as the UCSC IACUC may have important information and questions regarding your application.

Respond promptly to these emails ensures that your application can receive approval as quickly as possible.

Make sure that all research personnel have met the training requirements. Protocols cannot be approved until all research personnel have met the personnel requirements.

Upon approval, you will receive a confirmation email from the UCSC IACUC analyst with a copy of the approved protocol attached.

Why does the IACUC ask for animal numbers, and what is an acceptable answer?

The UCSC IACUC biomedical protocol application form (non-biomedical form asks for similar justification) requests the following:

Justify the number of animals to be used, which should be the minimum number required to obtain statistically valid results. Indicate how you arrived at your calculations, and include justification for group size through a power analysis when possible. In this calculation, you should consider the number of animals produced in a production colony to achieve the necessary number of genetically appropriate individuals, if applicable. Note that all individuals from a production colony are counted against the total number of animals utilized.

This is due to federal requirements from the Animal Welfare Act, PHS Policy, and the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. These agencies ask for an approximate number of animals, for the minimum number required to obtain valid results, and whenever possible, and that the number of animals requested should be justified statistically.

Acceptable answers can be based on:

  • Power analysis
  • Citations from previous research with similar sample size, species, and methodology
  • Student to animal ratio in a teaching protocol
  • Statistics showing probability of success of experimental procedure or desired effect
  • Number needed to provide appropriate amount of specimen for in vitro studies
  • Estimation of variance, effect size, and statistical power for pilot studies
  • N=1 for feasibility studies
  • Pilot studies

For wildlife studies, justification of animal numbers may be based on literature and pilot studies.

Please see sources and links below for further assistance.

Rationale for Species and Animal Numbers in Animal Care and Use Protocols (UC Davis IACUC procedure)

Power analysis links:

What if I'm conducting research involving animals at a Foreign Institution?

There are many circumstances that involve partnerships between collaborating institutions or relationships between institutional animal care programs. Inter-institutional collaborations have the potential to create ambiguities. Therefore, it is imperative that institutions define their respective responsibilities. Institutions should have a formal written understanding (e.g., memorandum of understanding) that addresses responsibilities for animal care and use, ownership, and IACUC review and oversight (Guide page 15).

Guidelines for doing research at a foreign institution:

  • If there are no grant funds coming from or through UCSC, and the animals are not owned by UCSC, and UCSC personnel are not directing the animal portion of the research, there may not be a requirement for UCSC IACUC review. If the animals are being housed in the foreign institution, they will be the responsibility of the foreign veterinary staff.

If UCSC will contract or subcontract with the foreign institution, then:

  • The contracted or subcontracted institution would have or obtain Foreign Animal Welfare Assurance with the US Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW)

  • Following confirmation of a PHS assurance at the contracted or subcontracted institution, and the completion of a Memorandum of Understanding, UCSC IACUC will defer the review of the protocol activities and oversight of activities occurring at the institution to the institution.

Why do I get my lab inspected?

Federal regulations governing the use of animals in research require that the UCSC IACUC review and inspect the care and treatment of animals in all animal study areas at least once every six months. These inspections must be performed by at least two UCSC IACUC members. Study areas include any place where animals are housed 12 hours or more including terrestrial and aquatic animal housing and support areas—cagewash, aseptic surgeries, procedure areas, non-survival surgeries, laboratories—and any and all buildings, rooms, areas, enclosures, vehicles, or satellite facilities used for animal confinement, transport, maintenance, breeding, or experiments inclusive of surgical manipulation.

Is a medical screening required to conduct animal research?

To obtain UCSC IACUC approval, all personnel listed on UCSC IACUC use of vertebrate animal subjects with contact (i.e. full use form) must fill out an Occupational Health Surveillance System (OHSS) assessment and get clearance. This program is administered by USCS Environmental Heath & Safety (EH&S). If OHSS is necessary or medical surveillance is deemed appropriate for a vertebrate sample or observation only with no contact protocol, EH&S will contact the PI directly to request details. 

To complete the occupational health review, the principal investigator/supervisor needs to create a Risk Assessment for their animal use protocol(s), then add participants. If the PI/supervisor has several similar protocols, the PI/supervisor can create just one risk assessment for all of them. This is done by using the "Copy Assessment" feature.

Each participant will receive an email from the system prompting online completion of the Health Questionnaire. This information will then be reviewed online by the physician, and medical clearance status provided. Health information can only be viewed by the physician, in accordance with HIPAA regulations.

More detailed instructions can be found on the EH&S Animal Research web page and the EH&S OHSS web page.

Please contact the campus biosafety officer with any questions at (831) 459-3542 or biosafety@ucsc.edu.

What are the definitions and classification for animal pain or distress ?

Potential Pain/Distress

Procedures are classified according to the level of potential pain or distress that the animal may experience. If more than slight or momentary pain and distress could be caused by the procedure, then relief must be provided (pain class D). If relief cannot be provided (pain class E), there must be scientific justification for withholding of relief, the justification must be included in the animal use protocol, and must be approved by the UCSC IACUC. Additional information can be found in USDA Animal Care Resource Guide, Policy #11, Painful Procedures.

USDA Pain Codes

C - No pain or distress
D - Pain or distress with relief
E - Pain or distress without relief

What are the attributes of major survival surgery and multiple survival surgery?

Multiple major survival surgery: A major survival surgery penetrates and exposes the body cavity or produces substantial impairment of physical or physiologic functions (such as laparotomy, thoracotomy, craniotomy, joint replacement and limb amputation). Scientific justification is required in the animal use protocol if more than one major survival surgery is to be performed on an animal during the course of the protocol experiment.

What is food and fluid restriction?


Certain experimental paradigms require the use of food or water restriction in order to accomplish studies such as operant conditioning work. The UCSC IACUC is required to approve these restrictions to ensure they are scientifically justified, minimize the level of restriction, and have criteria in place to monitor the health of animals on these studies.


Animal use protocols employing food or water restriction must provide the duration of restriction, level of restriction, and justification for the restriction as part of the protocol description. Furthermore, the early removal criteria must provide methods to assess the animal's health while on restriction. Typically this will require a frequent monitoring method such as daily weighing of the animal. Note that pre-surgical food restriction is detailed in the surgery procedure as part of the animal use protocol, and does not need specific justification.

What records do I need to maintain for animals on a protocol?

In addition to cage cards and animal care logs for all animals housed on a protocol, a post-operative record should be kept in the room where the animals are housed. Having the record in the room accomplishes several functions: 1) It explains the condition of the animals to animal care staff (a sedated animal may otherwise be thought to be ill), 2) It assures animal care staff and federal inspectors that the animal is being cared for, and 3) It informs animal care staff how recently the investigator has seen the animal; this knowledge helps them decide whether or not there is a need to contact the investigator to inform him or her of the present condition of the animal.

Although individual records are desirable, a composite post-operative record may be used for a group of rodents. Important information to include in the post-operative record is the animal's identification, surgical procedure summary, any therapeutics given including drugs, doses, and routes of administration, and the observation date and findings. After all wounds have healed and all sutures/wound clips have been removed, the post-operative record requires no further entries. When the study is completed, the record may either be kept by the investigator or discarded.

Is there any way to extend my approval period?

Federal regulations do not permit the UCSC IACUC to extend any approval periods. If a renewal protocol has not been processed and approved by the expiration date, the IACUC approval for the work will expire. Should IACUC approval expire, all activities involving the care and use of animals must cease immediately. Any activities conducted under the protocol after expiration will be in direct violation of federal regulations and institutional and IACUC policies.

Can I use expired drugs/fluids on my animals?

Under no circumstances can you use expired drugs or fluids (including saline) on any live animals, even if it is a terminal procedure.

How do I get specialized training?

For specialized training, such as tail vein injection or oral gavage training for mice, please contact the campus veterinarian at vet@ucsc.edu.

When are IACUC inspections?

At least every six months, the IACUC conducts unannounced on-site inspections and evaluation of facilities and programs where vertebrate animals are housed and used.

The PHS Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and regulations under the Animal Welfare Act are the main documents utilized by our IACUC in its evaluations.

Faculty who use animals should expect unannounced visits to their laboratories by a small group of IACUC members at approximately five-month intervals. In addition to looking at the research facilities and activities during the lab inspection, site visitors may discuss animal use procedures in the approved protocol(s) with staff and students.

Researchers can also expect examination of research records, cage cards, drugs, and materials associated with animal care and use.

What are IACUC SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures)?

The UCSC IACUC standard operating procedures (SOPs) educate individuals on the proper and current techniques to ensure optimal animal care and welfare.

In addition, laboratories, research groups, or researchers working in the same area may wish to have a SOP approved for a specific procedure or practice. This provides consistency across the research group and creates a standard practice that is approved by the IACUC, and that can be incorporated by reference into multiple protocols, in lieu of repeating descriptions of identical procedures in multiple protocols.

The UCSC SOP on SOPs is the approved format for submitting a SOP for UCSC IACUC review.

Additional SOPs are available to UCSC investigators by request to iacuc@ucsc.edu such as SOP on:

  • Mouse Breeding Programs
  • Managing Overcrowding Mouse Cages
  • Investigator Maintained Animals

What if I need to keep animals outside of the UCSC animal facilities?

If your research requires that your lab or group needs to maintain or contain animals outside of the recognized UCSC animal facilities which are staffed by animal care personnel, you will need to obtain prior permission for investigator-maintained animals.

The SOP on Investigator Maintained Animals is relevant to animals which may be kept in an investigator-managed or an investigator-managed study area/use site. The SOP requires that the research group specifies the procedures for animal husbandry and housing site maintenance to be employed at the investigator-managed site, and helps to ensure that topics such as bedding, sanitation, temperature, and transportation are considered prior to initiation of a new site for animal care.


Investigator-managed housing area: Any investigator­ managed building, room, area, enclosure, or other containment site in which animals are housed for periods longer than 12 hours.

Investigator-managed study area/use site: Any investigator­ managed building, room, area, enclosure, or other containment site in which animals are taken for use (i.e. surgery, euthanasia, behavioral testing) on an UCSC IACUC approved protocol.

How do I conduct an 'alternatives' search?

Refer to the UC Davis Center for Animal Alternatives Information website.

An alternatives search requires the following to be documented in your protocol:

  • Note names of databases searched and years covered by the search. (example: PubMed, 1966–2005) 

  • Note the date(s) on which you searched.

  • Describe what alternatives-related information you found, how you are integrating those alternative methods, procedures, or models into your protocol, as well as why you are not using others. This is sometimes referred to as the "narrative" or "search results" section.

One suggested method for those who are not familiar with searching alternatives, or who would simply like a standardized way of searching and documenting the search is to use the USDA Alternative Search Worksheet to guide your progress. A step by step walk through of the worksheet is included below.

Before beginning your search, we suggest the following steps:

  • Consider other possible animal or non-animal models (e.g., tissue culture, cell culture, fish, rats, etc.)

  • Consider your objectives and endpoints.

  • Note any drugs or compounds used in procedures. (e.g., anesthetics, analgesics, test compounds, etc.)

  • Note methods and procedures using animals, paying particular attention to those procedures that may cause pain or distress to the animal.

  • List any potential alternatives (all 3 Rs) of which you are aware. (e.g., alternate models, modified techniques, housing modifications, modified restraint, in vitro methods, computer simulations, etc.)

  • Develop a conceptual search strategy using the keywords and concepts you noted above. A search strategy is necessarily flexible, dependent both on the topic and on the database selected. If too many records are retrieved, additional relevant terms may make the results fewer and more useful; if too little is retrieved, fewer terms and a more conceptual approach may identify the relevant material. Use these terms and concepts as needed when searching in the following databases.

  • Database selection: Choose those that are appropriate for the area of study, keeping in mind type of protocol: Is the proposed study a research, teaching, or testing protocol? 

Worksheet Guide and Information

This worksheet is a tool used to 1) familiarize the principal investigator with the procedure; 2) identify keywords and concepts that are important in the development of a search strategy; and 3) aid in the selection of appropriate topical databases or other on-line resources. Although this worksheet will help, it is not designed as a replacement for communication between information providers, investigators, veterinarians, and IACUC members.

Searching for possible implementation of reduction and refinement to the study is essential. The use of analgesics and analgesia, the use of remote telemetry to increase the quality and quantity of data gathered, and humane endpoints for the animals are examples of refinements. Use of shared control groups, preliminary screening in non-animal systems, innovative statistical packages, or a consultation with a statistician are examples of reduction alternatives.

Because reduction and refinement aspects of alternatives are broad and often are addressed in the methods section of studies, the search at this point is really a comprehensive look at the field of study. Keywords and concepts from the area of research are used. This in turn addresses whether the protocol unnecessarily duplicates prior research. This approach will result in a basic understanding of the research area, including the literature published in the particular field, the techniques used, and the commonly used species.


Considering replacement requires that you address potential alternatives such as cell culture, tissue culture, models, simulations, etc. This is also where you might look for any alternate animal models lower on the phylogenetic scale —fish or invertebrates, for example— that would still give you the data you need. In addition considering non-animal and alternative animal-models, the proposed animal species should also be searched.

Objectives and Endpoints

As often required for the protocol, write-up a complete description of the proposed use of animals, including a succinct outline of the scientific plan and direction of the experiment. When doing a keyword search, the database system searches for words that appear in the title, abstract, and descriptor fields of the citation. Because the painful part of the procedure may be described in the materials and methods sections, the search should focus on the experimental endpoint or objective, in most cases. Exceptions are when methodology papers are common in the field of study (i.e., skin irritation tests, antibody production). Humane endpoints, such as indicators of pain, or euthanasia can be searched to determine when the animal should be removed from the study. While endpoints are not easily searchable, they are worth considering when reviewing the search results.

Drugs or Compounds

List specific names of drugs you may be using for your study or as anesthetics or analgesics. (i.e. halothane, rompun, buprenorphine, etc.). Remember to include the scientific and generic name of the drugs. If you are using other compounds in your study, included them when you search the literature for drugs that may conflict or have contraindications with your area of study.

Methods and Procedures

Providing the methods and procedures used in your animal study protocol will assist in addressing issues of refinement alternatives, such as handling techniques, restraint techniques, injection techniques, surgical procedures, etc. Identify any painful procedures, along with drugs or methods that will be used to relieve the pain. The law defines a painful procedure as one that would "reasonably be expected to cause more than slight or momentary pain or distress in a human being to which that procedure was applied." If a procedure involves pain or distress, the PI must search for an alternative and, also, consult with the attending veterinarian.

Potential Alternatives

Listing terms to describe any potential alternatives you are aware of, such as in vitro, tissue culture, alternative procedures or alternative animal models, etc. is helpful in conducting the refinement alternative aspect of the search. It is also helpful in determining potential search terms to use, since these are terms outside the specific area of study.

Search Strategy

Keywords, concepts and database selection determine the ultimate search strategy. These keywords are those that will likely be found in the title, abstract, and descriptor fields of the citation. Use as many synonyms as possible, such as "cardiac" and "heart." Include acronyms and complete spellings (i.e., "GH" and "growth hormone"). Also include all possible spellings of words. For example, "anesthesia," "anesthetic," and "anaesthesia." Include words that make the study different from other studies. This will help detect unintentional duplication as well as limit the scope of the search if the number of citations from a broader search is more than 200. All potential alternatives should be included as keywords, whether or not the researcher believes they will be useful. Using the keywords selected from your notes, put together brief strings of words so that each search set covers a separate concept. For example, the first set might include words relating to the experimental outcome, and the second set will contain words relating to the animal model. Short and simple search sentences are preferred. Considering reduction and refinement requires a search similar to the typical literature review done in preparation for a new project or scientific publication. Keywords used will help determine if there is unintentional duplication, how many animals are necessary using the proposed model, appropriate anesthetics and analgesics, and any other method of minimizing pain and distress. Since much of the refinement and reduction information will be found in the materials and methods sections, it is important for the researcher to review some of the articles that may be of interest.

Many people make the mistake of putting the term ";alternatives" in the strategy and expect to find all possible alternatives. Because alternatives is a complex concept involving refinement, reduction and replacement, this term is best used only in those areas of study where larger amounts of research have been conducted on alternatives, such as in toxicology or education. They might also end up with ";alternatives" that have nothing to do with the 3Rs.

Considering replacement requires a search that should include keywords for potential alternatives such as "vitro," "culture," or "simulation." The word "alternative" may also be included here. The selected animal model, other species, and the word "model" will help retrieve animal and non-animal models as potential alternatives.

Search strategies for research, teaching, or testing protocols differ. For example, a teaching protocol might include keywords such as "teach," "educate," or "instruct," while a testing protocol could include "safety," "efficacy," or "test."

NOTE: It is very important to realize that stringing together keywords on one line (i.e., dogs or cats and cardiac or thoracic and stent or device and alternative) does not create a proper search strategy and results in a poor search with inaccurate results. Boolean operators and individual database vagaries require familiarity or professional librarian assistance.

Database Selection

The worksheet lists many of the most useful databases for biomedical research topics. Although there is some overlap in journals and other publications covered by the databases, each database is unique; each indexes a unique set of informational resources. Several of the core databases should be searched in order to conduct a comprehensive literature search. Keep in mind the type of protocol when choosing databases. An education protocol, for example, should include ERIC; a protocol involving testing toxic effects of compounds should include TOXNET and RTECS. There are many other specific databases available online — both free and subscription based.

Years of Coverage

Years of coverage. When a database is chosen on CD-ROM, the World Wide Web, or on a multi-database system, the publication years covered are listed near the title of the database. The searcher should record the years included in the search based on database coverage or the years selected by the searcher within the search strategy (i.e., 1988-2005).

It is important to become familiar with the informational resources, databases, and services available at your institution in order to most effectively perform an alternatives search. The institution's librarian or information specialist can help with this and should be consulted.

Narrative Description

A written narrative is required, one that evaluates the search results and assesses the alternative possibilities. It should support the decisions to both use and to not use available alternatives. Be sure to address refinement and reduction alternatives, not just replacement.

Additional information or assistance

  • AltWeb—alternatives news, information, and resources
  • AWIC—sample searches, methods and guidelines, training and education, databases, organizations, and other resources that can assist in understanding alternatives, finding alternatives and completing the alternatives search.
  • UC Davis Center for Animal Alternatives Information

Other resources

What is an 'alternatives search'?

The US Animal Welfare Act (AWA) regulations (specifically the 1985 Amendment), require the principal investigators to consider alternatives to procedures that may cause more than momentary or slight pain or distress to the animals, and provide a written narrative of the methods used and sources consulted to determine the availability of alternatives, including refinements, reductions, and replacements.

The search for alternatives refers to the three Rs described in the book, The Principles of Humane Experimental Technique (1959) by Russell and Burch. The 3Rs are reduction in the number of animals used,refinement of techniques and procedures to reduce pain or distress, and replacement of animals with non-animal techniques or use of less-sentient species.

USDA webpage Why Conduct Literature Searches for Alternatives?


Refinement: The use of analgesics and analgesia, the use of remote telemetry to increase the quality and quantity of data gathered, and humane endpoints for the animals are examples of refinements.

Reduction: The use of shared control groups, preliminary screening in non-animal systems, innovative statistical packages or a consultation with a statistician are examples of reduction alternatives.

Replacement: Alternatives such as in vitro, cell culture, tissue culture, models, computer simulations, etc. are examples of replacement. This is also where you might look for any alternate animal models lower on the phylogenetic scale (fish or invertebrates, for example), that would still give you the data you need.

Where do I search for 'alternatives'?


Free Bibliographic Resources




Proprietary Bibliographic Databases, check with your library for availability



  • ERICAnimals in the Classroom: A Guide for Elementary and Secondary Educators

  • CAB

  • Zoological Record - The world’s oldest continuing database of animal biology


  • RTECS - CDC/NIOSH (Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances)

Free Governmental, Regulatory and Organizational Databases



Other resources, databases, and websites may be useful. The Animal Welfare Act regulations and policies allow for researchers to describe other methods and sources used to determine the availability of alternatives, though this should be secondary to the literature search.

Can you give me a copy of the most recent USDA certification?

UCSC's USDA certification number is 93-RR0439. Please contact iacuc@ucsc.edu for a copy of the USDA Registration document.

How do I report an incident?

All individuals participating in UCSC animal care and use activities are obligated to assure animal well-being for all animals engaged in such activities. If an incident occurs, then the individual having knowledge of the incident is obligated to report or assure a report of the incident by call the IACUC office at (831) 459-3150 with description of any incidents.

Who can be listed as PI on an IACUC protocol?

The person listed on a protocol application as Principal Investigator (PI) must be an employee of UCSC (usually with an academic appointment) who is eligible under University policy to submit proposals for extramural support of a research, training, or public service projects. See this website for PI criteria.

The principal investigator is also the first person listed on any grant. They should be individuals with experience and training in the area of animal research and will be held responsible for reviewing the protocol and overseeing the project. Students may not serve as a Principal Investigator and must have faculty sponsorship.

PIs are responsible for ensuring that everyone involved in the research protocol uses animals according to the IACUC-approved application and has respect for all applicable laws, regulations, and policies.

For further information contact iacuc@ucsc.edu.

Who needs to be listed on an IACUC protocol?

The principal investigator (PI) is responsible for ensuring that all key personnel (with respect to animal care and use) are included on an approved UCSC IACUC protocol or approved amendment before performing any animal related procedures.

Additionally, the PI is responsible for ensuring that any other personnel participating in the animal use, teaching, or research activity, including those that do not rise to the level of key personnel on the UCSC IACUC protocol, are enrolled in applicable occupational health and safety programs as appropriate.

Definition of “key personnel”

Any and all individuals who will oversee and/or conduct the animal related procedures described in the protocol, such as PIs, graduate and undergraduate students, post-docs, paid staff, visiting researchers, or volunteers. At a minimum, an IACUC protocol’s listed personnel must include the name of the PI. The qualifications and training of key personnel must be described as requested on the IACUC protocol application. Key personnel must complete required online CITI training and key personnel must have OHSS clearance. For additional information, please refer to the Personnel SOP—contact iacuc@ucsc.edu for the Personnel SOP.

Definition of "animal related procedures"

Activities that involve handling of animals or any manipulation of the environment that would influence animals in any measurable way. This includes manipulations or procedures that will affect the behavior or physiological state of an animal, including animal handling, tagging, tissue sample collection, providing food, playback of sounds, habitat manipulation, or closer approach to the animals by humans than they would typically encounter as background levels from the public.

Definition of “other personnel”

Other personnel may include those individuals that participate in the animal use, teaching, or research activity but that do not oversee or conduct the animal related procedures described in the protocol. These are individuals, who in the course of their employment, research, or education, have exposures to animals that increase their risks of an occupational illness, such as a zoonotic disease, physical injury, or an animal allergy. This may include intentional exposure (e.g., research assistants with limited animal contact) or incidental exposure (e.g., maintenance workers in animal facilities).  Other personnel may be required to enroll in appropriate occupational health and safety programs, including the OHSS.

What is grant protocol congruency?

PHS Policy and the NIH Grants Policy Statement require UCSC to compare the care and use of animals section of PHS and NSF grant proposal to the IACUC protocol. Please ensure before submitting initial IACUC protocol or amendment submissions that the scope of work, species, numbers, agents and methods for them, procedures, and euthanasia methods are congruent between the grant proposal and submission. Note that in general, the grant proposal descriptions will be broad and the IACUC protocol more specific.

When writing a protocol, what does it mean to use language that a layperson can understand?

The UCSC IACUC protocol forms require summarized study objectives and procedures for example are written in lay language understandable to members of the general public. The lay description sections in IACUC protocols originate from the US Government Principles for the Utilization and Care of Vertebrate Animals Used in Testing, Research, and Training -US government principle II, which states that “procedures involving animals should be designed and performed with due consideration of their relevance to human or animal health, the advancement of knowledge, or the good of society.” The Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals specifies “The following topics should be considered in the preparation of the protocol by the researcher and its review by the IACUC … a clear and concise sequential description of the procedures involving the use of animals that is easily understood by all members of the committee” including non-scientists and unaffiliated members of the IACUC.