The IACUC has determined that it will perform annual reviews as part of its oversight of the UC Santa Cruz animal care and use program. Annual reviews apply to research, teaching, field, and testing protocols, and are part of the IACUC’s PAM (post-approval monitoring) process.
This process can also be called an annual protocol update, continuing review, annual review, or status report. It is not the same as an agency progress report, though both have some of the same components.
Importantly, the annual review also serves as a point in the protocol cycle to reflect on and update the IACUC about concerns or changes pertaining to the protocol-approved uses of animals.
Any changes in animal use sites, personnel (additions or deletions), funding through UC Santa Cruz’s Office of Sponsored Projects, study purpose/objectives, species, animal numbers by species, or research procedures typically require an amendment to be filed.
Annual reviews are initiated using the Annual Protocol Update form. These are due at the first and second anniversary years of the original protocol approval date. At year three, a de novo review will be required. It is preferred to submit the Annual Protocol Update form within the two weeks before the anniversary date.