From: Scott Brandt, Vice Chancellor for Research
March 22, 2021
All of us in the Office of Research want to help ensure the success of every research proposal, and that is not always possible when we have insufficient time to do our work. Five years ago, consistent with the norm for research universities everywhere, I formalized deadlines for proposal submission and created a Late Proposal Approval Request (LPAR) form for exceptions. The deadlines made OSP’s workload manageable, allowing them to provide better, more consistent service, but many found the process too cumbersome.
About two years ago, in support of the SAP barrier reduction goal of improving proposal procedures and based on experience, feedback, and broad consultation, I streamlined the process by eliminating LPARs. Regrettably, that change put us back where we were before: PIs routinely miss deadlines making OSP workload unmanageable and reducing their quality of service.
Based on these experiences and in order to ensure a manageable workload for our staff, superior quality of service for our faculty and researchers, and a streamlined process, I am shortening and firming up the deadlines and instituting a simple online approval process for exceptions, which will only be allowed in limited circumstances.
Effective April 15, 2021, OSP will no longer accept or process any proposal submitted all or in part after an established deadline without an approved exception.
Exceptions: Limited exceptions are possible if the PI accepts the consequences of the reduced processing time up to and including the possibility of non-submission or sponsor rejection without review.
- Technical narratives in final submittable form with zero other changes will be accepted up to 8 business hours before the sponsor deadline.
- Other exceptions may be requested by PIs with the support of their Dean and will be granted by the VCR when 1a) the delays are due to circumstances outside of the PI’s control OR 1b) the VCR determines that the proposal is of strategic importance to the campus, AND 2) handling of the proposal is feasible given OSP’s workload.