October 12, 2023
The Biden-Harris Administration declared that 2023 is the Year of Open Science. US federal funding agencies are putting in place new open access and data sharing policies that will impact all federally-funded research. The University of California Santa Cruz is embracing this call for increased transparency in research with an Open Scholarship program launching this Fall and continuing through 2024 and beyond.
Global interest in Open Science has been on the rise for several years. The latest push from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) requires all research funded by US Federal Agencies be made open, with articles published open access and underlying data shared in appropriate repositories by 2025.
The UC Santa Cruz Year of Open Scholarship Program will engage and educate faculty, staff, and students on the importance of research transparency, and will put in place training, services, and infrastructure to support best practices in open scholarship to ensure compliance. Take this very brief survey and give input that will shape this program!
This program is being led through a partnership between the Office of Research, the University Library, and Information Technology Services. UCSC is partnering with Strategies for Open Science (Stratos) to plan the program and establish support systems, training, and tools to ensure both compliance with the OSTP guidance and alignment with the spirit of open scholarship.
Future announcements about the UCSC Year of Open Scholarship program will be forthcoming. For more information, contact the Year of Open Scholarship team.