UC Santa Cruz IACUC protocol applications and amendments cannot be approved until all proposed research personnel have completed these requirements.
Please start these requirements before submitting a protocol or amendment application as the requirements can take some time to complete.
UC Santa Cruz affiliate requirements
UC Santa Cruz faculty, staff, and students involved with animals on the protocol must have completed:
- the online CITI training AND
- the UC Santa Cruz Occupational Health Surveillance System (OHSS) assessment/clearance.
Non-affiliate requirements (volunteers and others)
For individuals who are listed on an animal care and use protocol or work with live, vertebrate animals used in research or teaching and who are not UC Santa Cruz staff, faculty, or students:
- The principal investigator (PI) has the option of having the non-affiliates complete CITI training and clear OHSS, or
- The PI must affirm that non-affiliates have completed animal care and use training and an occupational health and safety assessment at the individual’s home institution by checking a box in the non-affiliated personnel certification column on the IACUC protocol application and amendment forms.
PI protocol training responsibilities
The PI or facility manager will provide each individual with information pertinent to the species/protocol on which they are working and document that the information has been provided. The document IACUC Information for Students, Non-Affiliates, and Volunteers contains much of the generic information, but PIs are encouraged to work with EH&S (biosafety@ucsc.edu) to provide additional information relevant to the project.
The information will include, but is not limited to, the following:
- The availability of and the option to request medical evaluations from UC Santa Cruz’s Risk Services office: Occupational Health Programs.
- General information: potential hazards (zoonoses, allergies, and injuries), universal precautions and personal hygiene.
- Advice to contact their personal health care provider for consultation if they have concerns based on the medical evaluation provided by Occupational Health Programs. Persons who are pregnant, immunocompromised, diabetic, or have a history of allergies or other significant medical conditions should contact their personal health care provider for a consultation prior to working with animals.
- The requirement that workplace exposures must be reported and treated at Occupational Health Programs.
For additional information, refer to the Guidance on Personnel Requirements.