The Initial Submission form in Cayuse Human Ethics can be used by anyone at UC Santa Cruz affiliated with the study, and is used to request:
- Exemption from IRB review.
- IRB review.
- A delayed onset of human subjects research (118) determination.
- An evaluation of whether a study involves human subjects research.
- A reliance on an external IRB.
Tips to create an Initial Submission
- Complete your Initial Submission as early as possible.
- Be prepared to spend some time creating your submission.
- Provide information with a high level of detail, to provide clear information to reviewers to ensure compliance.
- Confirm you can log in to Cayuse Human Ethics.
- Learn about who can be principal investigator (PI).
- Learn about who should be included as an investigator.
- If you are a student, your faculty sponsor should be listed as PI and will certify the submission, and you should be listed as co-Principal Investigator (co-PI).
- A determination cannot be made until all study team members have met their training requirements.
- Attachments are not required for studies that fall into one or more exempt categories.
- For studies that do not qualify for exempt review, prepare required attachments using available forms and templates.
- Although general templates are not available, prepare additional required attachments when appropriate (e.g., questions, debriefing materials, and community resources).
- Use language that could be understood by a layperson. Avoid jargon, and when unavoidable, provide explanations.
- Be sure descriptions are consistent with the information provided in any related grant or contract applications.
Create an Initial Submission
- Log in to Cayuse Human Ethics.
- Select the “+ New Study” button.
- Enter the study title and select the check mark button.
- Select the “+ New Submission” button.
- Select the type “Initial.”
- Select the “Complete Submission” link and follow the instructions to fill out the submission.
- When the submission is complete, follow the instructions for submitting.
- The PI and the co-PI (if applicable) will be sent emails with instructions for certifying the submission in Cayuse.
- Once all certifications are entered, the submission will be routed to ORCA for review and the PI, co-PI (if applicable), and primary contact will receive an acknowledgment email.
Withdraw a study
When an initial submission is created but a review is not completed, a study may be withdrawn. Once a withdrawal has been requested, the only way to proceed with review is to create a new study and new initial submission in Cayuse Human Ethics.
Administrative withdrawal
An initial submission may be administratively withdrawn due to non-responsiveness of investigators after 90 days. ORCA will make a reasonable effort to remind investigators to respond.
Withdrawal by PI request
The PI may withdraw an initial submission at any time before the review is complete by using the Withdrawal Submission in Cayuse Human Ethics.
Create a Withdrawal Submission
- Log in to Cayuse Human Ethics.
- Find your study on the dashboard in “Approved Studies” and select it.
- In the top right corner select the “+ New Submission” button.
- Select the “Complete Submission” link and follow the instructions to fill out the submission.
- When the submission is complete, follow the instructions for submitting.
- The PI and the co-PI (if applicable) will be sent emails with instructions for certifying the submission in Cayuse.
- Once all certifications are entered, the submission will be routed to ORCA for review and the PI, co-PI (if applicable), and primary contact will receive an acknowledgment email.
Resources for creating an Initial Submission
- Informed consent templates
- Vulnerable Subject Populations
- Protecting Subject Data
- Education Records and Research
- Who can be a principal investigator (PI)
- Cayuse Request Form
- Sign up for a support appointment with an analyst – offered Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.