Modify/Amend a protocol

In order to make changes to an already approved IACUC protocol, the PI needs ensure personnel requirements are completed and to submit an Protocol Amendment Form to the IACUC compliance analyst as a Word doc attachment to

The Protocol Amendment Form can be used for adding personnel to a research protocol (section A).

The Protocol Amendment Form is also used for submitting minor changes to an active protocol (i.e., changes in animal use sites, changes in purpose or objective, section B).

Proposed research modifications may not be implemented before receiving IACUC approval.

Once the amendment is received by the IACUC compliance analyst, it then goes to the committee for further processing. Please allow at least two weeks for approval.

Please note: If the proposed modifications are significant, the IACUC may require the researcher to submit an entirely new application. If you have any questions about whether the changes you want to incorporate will necessitate a new application, contact the IACUC compliance analyst at